RFID Smart Shelves solution System
RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a big change in the manufacturing and retail world that is growing fast. It is being applied in major industries like pharmaceutical and food industries.
AOPL’s automated RFID solutions are being widely used in various industries across the country.
Smart Shelves and RFID-
Cabinets and smart shelves have a promising future and opportunities for RFID industry. Location and perpetual inventory of each and every product in a store, library, hospital or manufacturing plant opens up a variety of business for rfid.
Prevention of stock outs, helping customers find their product that they need, finding misplaced products, controlling the check outs of valuable items, availability of critical parts are few examples of the usage of RFID technology.
But applying cabinet and smart shelves on big scale may also cause some major problems:
Cabinets and smart shelves with reliable, versatile and cost effective design are a reality today. After immense research and development and experiments done on the field, it was deduced that the best approach for creating high quality shelves, is to use of high number of inexpensive RFID antennas, interconnected with multiplexers. This kind of design will provide maximum reliability and will minimize small general problems like multi-path. Also, this procedure allows the location of tagged items with high resolution and accuracy.
In short, cabinets and smart shelves have become a great asset to the market today. They are ready for large scale applications in healthcare, retail, manufacturing and other necessary sectors in which accurate control over the, tool, supplies, manufacturing parts,location of products in the inventory or in any other way RFID based help is needed.